Sunday, March 6, 2011

Should We Find Out The Sex of the New Baby?

This is a question we have been asking ourselves for the past several months now. We actually answered this question several years ago. We originally decided to find out the sex when we were having our second baby. Well, ever since we found out that the we were pregnant we have been leaning towards not finding out. We both liked waiting to find out until Maggie was born. It was exciting to wait until the baby was born. We kinda of feel that it would spoil that feeling if we felt out.

The wife kind of wants to find out and not tell anyone. I keep telling her that won't work because we will probably let it slip out. We would probably refer to the baby as he or she, and I'm sure no one would pick that up.

The time is drawing close to decide if we want to find out. We both feel if we find out the sex, we might feel dissappointed (not in the baby's sex, but in finding out because we wouldn't be able to undo it). It was such a great feeling to find out what sex Maggie was as soon as she came out (even though the Dr. beat me to the punch of telling the wife). Plus we enjoyed talking about names for both sexes, even though we had both names picked out in the first week we knew we were pregnant.  We pretty much have both names picked out this time, but we have some leeway on the girl name.

I wouldn't mind some input on this. I will be posting a poll on her, so please fell free to answer and/or leave comments.

I have a feeling we will be waiting until the baby is born to find out. I think it comes down to will be happy with what ever the sex of the baby is as long it is happy and heathy baby (and mama).

Happy St. Paddys!


  1. Don't find out! I thought it was such a great experience to wait. Plus, there was something kind of fun about making everyone else wait...drove the grandmas crazy. :)

  2. We found out with both of our kids. I wanted to start planning ahead. You know, buying clothes and stuff.

    But I totally get why you would want to wait. I'm sure it is exciting. But knowing their sex didn't take away from the joy of seeing them born. It was still special. Good luck.
