Friday, December 21, 2012

Five for Friday: Five Great Things From The Past Two Weeks.

Hello again. I am going to keep this one short as I am preparing Maggie's birthday party tomorrow.

1. Lucy is now walking. The pic from last week is her walking into the play room. I had to chase after her because she moves so fast. She just decided one day to start walking.

2. Found out I passed my state test. I am now a licensed paramedic. Feels pretty damn good.

3. Got some good news from some family.

4. Found out that I will be an uncle to another nephew due sometime in spring (I wished I remembered when but it has been a long day and I noticed my glass was empty.

5. Maggie is now three years old!

1 comment:

  1. Who's pregnant? No one mentioned it at the party. I wish we would stop being sick so we could see you guys!
