Saturday, December 17, 2011

2 Cute

My Maggie will be turning two a few days before Christmas and she was the best Christmas present I have ever received. I just got back from a late trip to Toys R Us to get Maggie some birthday presents. I picked up a doctor play set and some new stuff for her doll house. I already got her some books (you can never have enough books) and I think she will be very excited about all of her gifts. I think I may be more excited to see her open the presents.

Lucy just loves to look at mommy or daddy and make all sorts of noise and smile. She is such a happy baby. Except when you are trying to do the dishes and she gets fussy every time. Then I get in trouble for not doing the dishes. I cannot wait until we redo the kitchen and put in a dishwasher. When I am feeding Lucy she will look at me and smile. Its so cute.

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