I start school Tuesday. I am not looking forward to it at all. Busy schedule this semester. Can't wait until it is over. Monday's and Wednesdays I am at school all day. 9-5 for me.
Well we are having another baby. We are excited to have a new member of the family. Names have been fun though. The boy name was already picked (it would have been Maggie's if she'd been a boy). The girl name, on the other hand, may take some time. We have agreed on Lucy, but not on the long form. We have been looking at the baby name books a lot.
I hope it's a boy (duh), but I wouldn't mind another girl. There can be two princesses in our house. We are debating if we will find out the sex this time. My wife wants to find out and not tell anyone. I don't see the point of that. I think we should find out this time. It would help us plan a little better.
We went to go to the aquarium today. As did everyone else on this school holiday. It was 20 degrees and there was a long line to get in. So we decided to go to the Chicago History Museum. Turned out to be a great day to go (Mondays are free, but we knew that). Memberships were half off today. Done and done. I've been wanting to renew it for a long time, but we were holding off because of it is not something we needed. The CHM is one of my favorite museums. They have some great exhibits. Not a whole lot of stuff for kids, but they do have some. I hope to do some research there when I take my Chicago history class. They have the bed Lincoln died in and the table Grant and Lee used at Appomattox.
Maggie is really teething now. She woke up at 3am and again at 7am. It is so cool to watch her grow up. We even brought up a future time-out chair today. She is getting to that stage were she knows what you are saying but will not listen. Every day is a learning process for all of us.
Yay, another baby! Congratulations! Lemme know when you want to change your banners and I'll do it for ya. I'm also starting school tonight. But I only have 6 more classes before I'm done. So that's helping to keep me motivated. My almost 8 month old is teething, too. Her two bottom teeth are just starting to cut through. Not fun.